K. (Vijay) Vijay Raghavan’s research aims to understand motor- and olfactory-circuit assembly: from deciphering how each component is made, interacts, and stabilizes to functioning in the animal to allowing behavior for in the real world. Related to the development of network function in the maintenance in the mature animal; another aspect of the work in the laboratory addresses how mature neurons and muscles are maintained. The laboratory uses a genetic approach, mainly using the fruit fly but also collaborating with those using mouse and cell-culture.
VijayRaghavan is Distinguished Professor of the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Bangalore, India and, since January 28, 2013, Secretary of the Department of Biotechnology Government of India. Before VijayRaghavan was the Director of NCBS and the interim head of InStem, a new institute being nurtured by NCBS. He continues to be active in research with his research laboratory at the NCBS in Bangalore.
He studied engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. His doctoral work was at TIFR, Mumbai (Bombay University) and postdoctoral work at the California Institute of Technology.
VijayRaghavan was a member of the Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, Associate Member of the EMBO, Fellow of the Indian Academies of Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society. He is a JC Bose fellow of the Government of India
January 2014